In My Own Words by Henri Nouwen :An Advanced Birthday Gift


I am sure that one  of the things a bookworm would love to receive on his/ her birthday is a book. What else ? He/she  is a full-time reader, a book lover, or a bibliophile, whatever names or slang  you can make up , all he/ she wants  on any special occasions is a book. So, although a few days off before my  30th birthday, a special friend of mine has already sent me  her  love with an advanced gift recently. It is another work by Henri NouwenIn My Words compiled by Robert Durback.

Book Description: 
Hardcover, 160 pages
Published September 5th 2001 by Liguori Publications


This is a thematic collection of memorable writings of Henri Nouwen inviting readers to share spiritual intimacy with this popular writer about prayer, depression, friendship, peace, and other topics.
His works connect to or touch the lives of people in a language they can understand, and lead them to places where they need to be. Henri J. M. Nouwen, a Dutch Roman Catholic priest who died in 1996, was one of this century’s most popular spiritual writers. His accounts of his experiences as a leader in the civil rights struggle of the 1960s and in the antinuclear movement are models of balance between the political and personal aspects of Christian faith.

Portrait of Henri Nouwen  in the 1990s taken by Frank Hamilton (Photo: Wikipedia)

Nenri Nouwen was a Dutch Catholic priest, professor, writer and theologian.He had deep passion for psychology, pastoral ministry, spirituality, social justice and community. In fact, he authored 4o books on spiritual life.

He caught the attention of the world  for his working with mentally and physically handicapped people at the L’Arche Daybreak community in Richmond HIll, Ontario.

As far as I remember , I learned of Henri Nouwen when my Korean nun student brought  him up in our class and told me that she wanted to follow him. Thereafter, I started to be obsessed with his works, curious about his  strong passions for others, how the man made a difference to her. At that time, I was still religiously bothered and agitated as how I  looked up to Thomas Merton a lot. So, I had access to one  of his works when one of my other nun students  lent me the  Aging: The Fulfillment of Life. You can read my  simple review here .


Given the fact that I am now an advocate atheist, reading such a book   still piques my interest, especially I find Henri Nouwen an influential person, a la Thomas Merton or Mother Theresa. Besides,  I love reading people’s works which give a profound impact upon the world .

Thanks Sister Clara. 🙂

I  wonder what is the next gift someone will give me. 🙂

Age is a number and mine is unlisted. –Anonymous–







  1. Happy Birthday! I have several books by Nouwen. Someone recommended The Wounded Healer in the years after I had experienced a psychotic manic episode and was struggling with questions of gender and sexuality. He is a spiritual writer whose work transcends any specific attachment to a church or conventional religious faith.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you. I will try to find his other books , especially The Wounded Healer. The good thing about Nouwen, I believe, is that he respected people regardless of people’s individualities. That’s what I like about spiritual writers. You don’t need to insist on your beliefs. Respect is enough to show that a person is loved. ^__^


  2. Omigosh! super belated Happy Birthday Joey!!!!^^ It’s great that you were able to appreciate this book even though your beliefs are somewhat different… I joined this freethinking group on Facebook just to get inputs about what they usually talk about and I admit reading their arguments is refreshing but some of them just rude and forceful of their beliefs.

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    • Thanks,Henzi. I read any books not only to be entertained but also to be educated about things I must be ignorant of. At the same, I can deconstruct their contents. This is my way of learning. 😉

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